Who we are...
Earth Ed’s vision is to empower STEM communities, including students, teachers and the wider school and local community.
We aim to encourage a sense of curiosity and active participation by working together with the goal of teaching and learning science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) together.
Through collaboration with Earth Ed, our active STEM communities are excited and have a sense of curiosity. The students, teachers and community discover STEM through play and learning together. Meaningful interactions have a positive and enduring impact on the individuals and groups we work with.
Innovate – we continuously implement new ideas, create new learning experiences and improve our educational expertise.
Collaborate – we will work together with students, teachers and community to achieve scientific literacy and create joint learning spaces and experiences that are powerful.
Connect – we aim to bring together students, teachers and community to create relationships where we feel a sense of togetherness and a deepened desire to learn about STEM.
Design & Sustainsbility
The Earth Ed Centre has been designed with sustainability at the forefront of its construction. A computerised Building Management System monitors and controls the centre to continually maintain a comfortable learning environment for students.
The building is equipped with carbon dioxide detectors and air quality is restored by automatic louvers enabling fresh air to circulate through the building. Temperature is regulated with the aid of geothermal-style “labyrinth” consisting of underground ducts to enable the centre to be more efficiently heated or cooled by utilising the constant 14°C underground temperature as a base temperature.
The structure of the Earth Ed Centre is built using Timbercrete bricks made from waste timber and sequestered in a cement-like tomb. The bricks have high insulating properties and also high thermal mass, enabling them to store heat and release it slowly, helping keep the centre warm in winter and cool in summer. While these bricks are already made from recycled materials, the entire composition of the building is made from materials that will be recyclable when the centre reaches the end of it’s life span.
Earth Ed utilises the sustainable energy of the sun to provide for some of its electricity requirements through 4kW solar panels and a solar hot water system. A rainwater tank provides water for the toilets and showers, with the Building Management System continually monitoring the Centre’s usage.