Biological science

Students explore how fossil evidence informs scientific understanding of life. They investigate dinosaur fossils to identify adaptations and make inferences about their diet, appearance, behaviour and name origin. 

In this program students will:

  • describe types of fossils and the role of palaeontologists
  • group dinosaurs by their observable features
  • identify and infer structural adaptations for survival.

Victorian Curriculum 2.0

VC2S2U01, VC2S2U03, VC2S2U02, VC2S4U01, VC2S6U02, VC2S2H01, VC2S2H02, VC2S4H01, VC2S6H01, VC2S6H02


Remote sessions are only available to schools classed as rural by the Department of Education.

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Related Programs

Biological science
Digital technologies
Chemical science
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